Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim; Today’s topic of discussion is Nifaq and Munafiq meaning in Islam in English.
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ToggleNifaq meaning
Nifaq is an Arabic word. It means hypocrisy, adopting a two-pronged policy. In the technical sense, when Islam is practiced in secret, it is called hypocrisy. In simple language, when only the disbelief of the heart exists, then the blatant disbelief does not exist, then it is called hypocrisy. Thus, we can say that again, Islam is without faith to observe the hypocrisy. Only if we understand what faith and Islam are, we will be able to comprehend hypocrisy properly.
What is faith?
Faith is the firm belief of the heart in all aspects of Tawheed, that is, the oneness of God. Faith is a matter of the heart. It resides in the heart.
What is Islam?
Islam is submission to the rule of one God. Surrender is a combination of two things. One is the verbal acknowledgment of Tawheed and the other is the implementation of Tauhid in deeds.
Simply put, there is no faith, that is, there is no firm and complete faith in Tauhid in the heart, that is, there is no shirk in the heart, that is, there is disbelief in the heart, but to keep it a secret is to practice Islam.
Faith and Islam are interrelated.
The condition for Islam is faith. And faith demands to accept Islam. Just as Islam is worthless without faith, faith is worthless without Islam. One without the other is not acceptable. Conversion to Islam without faith will be of no use. That is, if there is no firm belief in Tauhid in the heart, then Islam, that is, recognition and implementation of deeds will not be of any use. Abdullah bin Ubay to no avail, was the leader of the hypocrites, keeping Islam, at the heart due to the lack of faith. Again, faith alone, that is, faith in the heart alone will not be of any use unless Islam is accepted, that is, acknowledgment of word of mouth and practice.
For example, the faith of Emperor Heraclius did not work because he did not accept Islam. Ibadat is a combination of faith and Islam. That is, believing in the heart of Tawheed, that is, the oneness of God, Worship is the name of giving recognition and putting it into action. And Allah Ta’ala has created us only to worship Him. Without Islam, only faith will not be considered worship, and without faith, only Islam will not be considered worship. So we have to have a firm belief in all aspects of Tauhid in our hearts, and then we have to acknowledge it verbally and act accordingly. Only then will it be acceptable to Allah as an act of worship?
Munafiq meaning
Those who conceal the disbelief of the heart and practice Islam are hypocrites. In simple language, in which only the disbelief of the heart exists, the blatant disbelief does not exist. Again, it can be said that the one who does not have faith, that is, he does not have firm and complete faith in Tauhid in his heart, that is, he has faith in any shirk in his heart, that is, there is disbelief in his heart, but he keeps it secret and practices Islam.
Signs of Nifaq
Narrated from Abu Hurairah
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: He who has four qualities in him will be a pure hypocrite. In which there is a nature of it, a nature of a hypocrite remains in it until it is abandoned.
1. Betrays if the deposit is kept
2. When he speaks, he lies
3. Promises are broken
4. Gives obscene insults when engaged in a dispute
(Bukhari Part 2: / 24 H 34, Muslim 1/25 H 56)