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What is the meaning of Kufr and Kafir in Islam?

What is the meaning of Kufr and Kafir in Islam?

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim; Today’s topic of discussion is What is the meaning of Kufr and Kafir in Islam, what are the types of kufr.

kufr meaning

The Arabic word kufr means to deny, to conceal, to cover up. In the terminological sense, the name of disbelief in a matter of Tawheed in the heart or denying it in the mouth or disobeying it in action is the name of Kufr.

Types of kufr

Kufu is mainly of two types. One is disbelief in the heart, which is the opposite of faith. The other is open disbelief which is contrary to Islam.

Kufr of the heart

If there is complete faith in Tawheed in the heart and complete disbelief in Shir, then it is faith. And if the heart does not have full faith in Tawheed, that is, if there is faith in any religion, then it is called kufr or disbelief of the heart.

Open Kufr

If there is complete acceptance and implementation of Tawheed in word and deed and complete rejection and non-implementation of Shirk, then it is Islam. And if there is no complete recognition or implementation of Tawheed in words or actions, that is, there is recognition or implementation of any shirk, then it is kufr or open kufr.

There are two types of open disbelief. One is disbelief in words and the other is disbelief in deeds.

Kufr of words

If the words do not fully recognize Tawheed, that is, there is recognition of any shirk, then it is kufr or kufr of words.

Kufr of Work

If there is no full implementation of Tawheed in work, that is, there is implementation of any shirk, then it is kufr or kufr of work.

Form of Kufr

Kufr is of two types but its form is three.

1. Nifaq

2. External disbelief

3. Complete disbelief


When Islam is practiced externally while concealing Kufr in the heart, it is called Nifaq. In simple words, when there is only inner disbelief and no public disbelief, it is called Nifaq.

External Kufr

When only open disbelief exists, it is called external disbelief.

Complete Kufr

When both inner disbelief and open disbelief exist, it is called complete disbelief.

Types of external Kufr

Since open disbelief is essentially external disbelief, there are two types of external disbelief like open disbelief. Namely:

1. Kufr of words

2. Kufr of Work

What is Kufr of words?

If the words do not fully recognize Tawheed, that is, there is recognition of any shirk, then it is kufr or kufr of words.

What is kufr of work?

If there is no full implementation of Tawheed in work, that is, there is implementation of any shirk, then it is kufr or kufr of work.

How many and what are the forms of external Kufr?

External disbelief is of two types but its forms are three. Namely:

1. Just words of disbelief

2. Kufr of work only

3. Complete external disbelief

Kufr of words only

When kufr exists only in words and kufr does not exist in heart or action, it is called kufr in words only.

Kufr of work only

When kufr exists only in deeds and kufr does not exist in heart or words, it is called kufr in deeds only.

Complete external Kufr

When kufr exists both in word and deed, it is called complete external kufr.

kafir meaning

A person who disbelieves in any matter of Tawheed in his heart denies it in his mouth, or does not implement it in his actions, i.e. believes in Shirk in his heart or accepts it in his mouth or implements it in his actions, is a Kafir. It should be noted that if a person disobeys something in his work, i.e. if he does not follow any of Allah’s commands or obligatory laws or if he does not abstain from any prohibited or haram act, he will not be a kafir unless it involves shirk. But Salat is an exception; If one intentionally misses Salat, he becomes a Kafir.

If one disobeys any commandment of Allah other than leaving the prayer, one becomes a fasiq and not a kafir unless it involves shirk. If one commits shirk, one becomes a kafir and one has to repent and re-recite the Kalima Shahadat i.e. re-embrace Islam.

How many types of Kafir

There are three types of Kafir according to the form of Kufr.

1. hypocrite

2. External Kafir

3. A complete infidel


A hypocrite hides Kufr in his heart and practices Islam on the outside. In simple words, those who only have inner disbelief and no public disbelief are called hypocrites.

External Kafir

One in whom only open disbelief exists is called an outward disbeliever.

What are the types of external Kafir?

There are three types of external disbelief according to the form of external disbelief. Namely:

1. Kafir of words only

2. Just working kafir

3. Complete external disbelief

Kafir of words only

One who only has disbelief in words and does not have disbelief in heart or action is called a disbeliever in words only.

Kafir of work only

In whom there is only disbelief in deeds and no disbelief in heart or words, he is called a disbeliever in deeds only.

Complete external Kafir

One who has both disbelief in words and disbelief in deeds is called a complete external kafir.

Complete Kafir

One in whom both inner disbelief and open disbelief exist is called a complete disbeliever.

How many types of Complete Kafir?

There are two types of complete Kafi. Namely:

1. A clear infidel

2. Obscure Kafir

A clear Kafir

One whose being a kafir is clear i.e. one who does not consider himself a Muslim, does not claim to be a Muslim, and is not known as a Muslim, is known as a non-Muslim i.e. a kafir. In a word, non-Muslims are clear kafirs.

Obscure Kafir

One whose being a kafir is unclear i.e. one who considers himself a Muslim, claims to be a Muslim, and is known as a Muslim, is not known as a non-Muslim or a kafir but is essentially a kafir is a person who is an unclear kafir. In a word, among the Muslims, those who have kufr in them are vague kafirs.

There are two types of kafir based on knowledge.

1. Knowledgeable kafir

2. Ignorant Kafir

Knowledgeable kafir

A person who commits kufr knowingly is a knowledgeable kafir.

Ignorant Kafir

A person who commits kufr without understanding is an ignorant kafir.

Kafir – Wikipedia

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