What is the meaning & importance of Taqwa in Islam?
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Today’s topic of discussion is What is the meaning & importance of Taqwa in Islam, the types of taqwa in the Quran, and the meaning of Muttaqi.
Taqwa meaning in Islam
Taqwa is an Arabic word. Its literal meaning is to save, preserve, protect, etc. Another meaning of taqwa is fear, caution, and accountability.
Taqwa is the practice of observing what Allah has commanded and avoiding what He forbids to avoid Allah’s wrath, displeasure, and punishment.
1. Hafez Ibn Rajab (RA) said that fear of Allah is the fear between the servant and his Lord, such as avoiding his chastisement, displeasure, and punishment. And that is obeying Him and abandoning His disobedience.
Sa’id ibn Ali al-Qahtani, Fiqh al-Da’wat fi Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 2 (Saudi Arabia: Riyasatul Amma, 1st edition 1421 AH), p. 367.
2. Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) said, Taqwa is to follow what Allah has commanded and to abandon what He has forbidden.
Muhammad Saleh al-Munajjid, At-Taqwa (Jeddah: Majmu Ah Jad, 1430 AH), p. 7.
3. Hafiz Ibn Qasir (R.A.) said, that Taqwa is a broad noun that means performing actions in obedience (to Allah) and avoiding disliked things.
Tafseer Ibn Kasir, 1/284 p.
4. Abu Saud (R.A.) said, Taqwa is complete avoidance of things that harm the Hereafter.
Tafseer Abi Saud, 1/27 p.
So performing all obligatory actions and avoiding forbidden and questionable matters is indicative of complete taqwa. In some cases, performing lawful acts and abandoning undesirable acts also includes taqwa.
Therefore perfect taqwa includes performing obligatory deeds and avoiding forbidden and questionable things. Sometimes this involves abstaining from certain lawful activities and abandoning undesirable activities.
Taqwa in the Quran
Taqwa is sometimes referred to as the name of Allah. As Allah Ta’ala says, ‘And fear Allah, to Whom you will be gathered together’. (Mayda 5/96).
He also said, fear Allah; Let each think what he has sent in advance for tomorrow. And fear Allah; Allah is Aware of what you do. (Hashar 59/18).
When the word ‘Taqwa’ is applied to Allah, it means avoiding His wrath and anger. And this is great piety. Because of his anger, he is punished in the worldly and hereafter lives. Allah says, ‘And Allah is warning you about Himself’. (Ale Imran 3/28). He also said, ‘He alone is worthy of fear and He alone is worthy of forgiveness’. (Muddassir 74/56).
So Allah the Exalted is the only being who is feared and for whom immense respect is created in the heart of the servant. For this reason, the servant worships and obeys him.
Sometimes the word ‘Taqwa’ is related to Allah’s punishment or the place of punishment i.e. Hell or to the time i.e. the Day of Judgment. As Allah says, ‘Fear the Fire which has been prepared for the disbelievers’. (Ale Imran 3/131).
He also said, “But fear that fire, men, and stones, whose fuel is prepared for the disbelievers.” (Baqarah 2/24). Elsewhere he said, “Fear the Day when you will be brought back to Allah”. (Baqarah 2/281). He also said, ‘Fear the day when no one will be of any use to anyone’. (Baqarah 2/48).
The word ‘Taqwa’ is used in three senses in the Holy Quran
1. In the sense of fear. As Allah says, ‘Fear Me alone’ (Baqarah 2/41). He also said, ‘Fear the Day when you will be brought back to Allah’. (Baqarah 2/281). Elsewhere he says, ‘They do duty and fear the day when the calamities of that day will be great’. (Insan/Dahr 76/7).
2. In the sense of obedience and worship. As Allah says, ‘Believers! Fear Allah rightly and do not die without being a surrenderer (Muslim)’. (Ale Imran 3/102). That is, obey him properly and worship him properly. Ibn Abbas said, ‘Obey Allah properly’.
Ibn Mas’ud and Mujahid said in the explanation of this verse, that obedience is not disobedience; Remembering (Allah), not forgetting Him; To thank him, not being ungrateful. (Tafseer Tabari, p. 3/375)
3. It means purifying the heart from the corruption of sin. It is much closer to the true meaning and purpose of taqwa than the first two. Allah says, ‘Successful are those who obey Allah and His Messenger, fear Allah, and avoid disobeying Him’. (Noor 24/52). In this verse, obedience to Allah and His Messenger and fear of Allah are mentioned after taqwa. So true piety is to free the heart from sin.
Dr. Ahmad Farid al-Hamad, At-Taqwa ad-Durat al-Mafqudah wal Ghayat al-Manshudah, p. 7; Muhammad Saleh al-Munajjid, At-Taqwa, p. 7.
Types of Taqwa in Islam
Taqwa is the name of protecting oneself from indulging in sin through self-restraint and self-control. It can be of two types from the point of view of people’s faith power. A. Taqwa of the weak b. Taqwa of the strong.
A. Taqwa of the Weak: This is the piety of such people, even though they can keep themselves from indulging in sin and indulging in wickedness in an environment of integrity and tranquility. But they cannot protect themselves in polluted and infested environments and places and environments infested with evil. Similarly, even if one can refrain from sin, one is not able to save others from the corruption and ugliness of sin.
b. Taqwa of the Strong: It is the piety of those who possess such strong spiritual strength and character that they can prevent themselves from engaging in sin even in any adverse and affected environment. Their spiritual strength stands like a barrier between them and sin and protects them from the corruption of sin. At the same time, others are also able to be restrained through advice, guidance, setting a good example, and fear of God’s punishment.
Importance and Necessity of Taqwa in Islam
The importance and dignity of Taqwa or fear of God in human life is immense. It is on this basis that human actions are accepted or rejected by Almighty Allah. This is the means of gaining the respect and dignity of people before Allah. Therefore, piety is very important in human life, especially in the life of a believer. Various aspects of the dignity and importance of Taqwa are mentioned below:
1. Allah’s command to adopt taqwa towards all previous and subsequent ones
Since the beginning of creation, Allah Almighty has ordered the adoption of piety to all people who have come and will come. Allah says,
We commanded those who were given the Book before you and you that you should fear Allah. (Nisa 4/131)
Allah mentions Taqwa in about 200 places in the Holy Quran. These include the importance of piety, status, virtues, and rewards. Its importance is easily surmised by the fact that it is mentioned many times in the Qur’an.
2. Advice and instructions to adopt taqwa by Rasulullah (SAW) to his Ummah
He specifically instructed and advised his Ummah to attain taqwa and attached special importance to it. Some hadiths about this are mentioned below:-
The Prophet (PBUH) used to ask people to practice piety, especially when sending an expedition somewhere, he would order the commander-in-chief to be piety.
As Sulayman Ibn Buraidah RA narrates from his father when the Prophet SAW appointed the Ameer of an army, he would specifically order him to fear Allah and adopt Taqwa, and he would advise the common Muslim warriors to acquire Taqwa.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/3929; Bulugul Maram Ha/1268.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) advised Mu’adh Ibn Jabal (RA) to be pious when he was sent to Yemen.
It has been said, that Mu’adh Ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) said: When the Messenger of Allah sent him to Yemen, he went out with him to advise him. Mu’adh mounted on the rider and the Prophet was under the rider. He said at the end of the sermon, Mu’az! Maybe I won’t see you again after this year. You will pass by my mosque and grave. Mu’adh cried out at the separation of the Prophet and looked back towards Madinah. Then the Prophet said, ‘Pious people are closest to me. Whoever they are, wherever they are.
Sahih Ibn Hibban Ha/ 646; Silsila Chahihah Ha/2497; Mishkat Ha/5227.
The Prophet also advised his daughter Fatimah (RA) to be pious.
He said, “Therefore, Fatimah, fear Allah or be pious and be patient.” I am a good traveler for you.
Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat ha/5878.
When the Companions sought advice from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), he would first advise them to be pious. For example-
On the authority of Irbaaz Ibn Sariya RA, he said, “Once the Prophet (PBUH) prayed the Fajr prayer with us. Then he turned towards us and gave us such a touching gesture that the eyes shed tears and the hearts were frightened. At this time, a person said, O Messenger of God! This seems like a farewell message. Give us some more advice. Then the Prophet (PBUH) said, “I advise you to fear Allah or to be pious and to listen to the leader and obey him, even if the leader or the Imam is a slave.
Those of you who will be alive after me will see many disagreements quickly. Then you will cling to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Khulafay Rashedin and hold fast to it with your teeth. So beware that you (outside the Book and the Sunnah concerning the Deen) live from newly created works. Because every innovation is innovation and every innovation is corruption.
Abu Dawud, Mishkat Ha/158.
3. The advice of all the prophets who came to the world was to adopt Taqwa
From Adam to the last prophet Muhammad, including 315 messengers, one hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets were sent to the world. Everyone was invited to resort to piety. In the Holy Quran, the issue of calling some Prophets has been mentioned. As Allah says,
Noah’s people lied to the prophets. When their brother Nuh said to them, “Will you not adopt piety”? (Shu’ara 26/105-106).
He also said, that Ad-Sambrada falsely rejected the Messengers. When their brother Hud said to them, “Will you not adopt piety?” (Shu’ara 26/123-124).
Elsewhere, he says, the Thamud community falsely rejected the Messengers. When their brother Salih said to them, will you not be pious? (Shu’ara 26/141-142).
Allah also says that Lut’s community made the Messengers lie. When their brother Lut said to them, “Would you not be afraid”? (Shu’ara 26/160-161).
He also said, When your Lord called Moses and said, Go to the people of the oppressors, to the people of Pharaoh; Aren’t they afraid?’ (Shu’ara 26/10-11).
In this way, other Prophets also invited their followers to attain taqwa i.e. fear of God.
4. Absence of predecessors based on Taqwa
Predecessor sages including Sahabi, Tabe’i, and Tabe Tabe’i used to encourage people to be pious. Hafez Ibn Rajab said, Salaf Shalehin always advised people on piety. For example-
(1) Abu Bakr RA used to say while delivering the khutba, I advise you to acquire the fear of Allah, to praise Him properly, to combine fear with some desires, and to combine modesty in some prayers.
Dr. Ahmad Farid, At-Taqwa, pp. 13-14.
When the time of Abu Bakr’s death approached and he received a promise from Umar, he called Umar and gave him various advice. The first thing he said to him was, O Omar, fear Allah.
Dr. Ahmad Farid, At-Taqwa, pp. 13-14.
(2) Umar ibn al-Khattab wrote a letter to his son Abdullah saying I advise you to acquire taqwa or fear of God. Because whoever fears Allah, Allah protects him. Allah will punish whoever does not fear Him. And whoever is grateful to Him, He will increase him. Make Taqwa the apple of your eye and the brightener of your heart.
Tadev, p. 14
5. Taqwa is the best garment of a servant
Taqwa or the fear of God is the best reward of man. Allah says, O Bani Adam! We have clothed you to cover your private parts and to adorn you, and the cloth of piety is the best. It is one of the signs of Allah (A’raf 7/26). Note, (clothing) is by which the private parts are covered. It (decoration) is that which beautifies. So the first is necessary and urgent. The second is the giver of excess and fullness. The best and best adornment for man is that which hides the visible and invisible faults and beautifies and beautifies him, And that is the garment of righteousness.
Imam Qurtubi (RA) said It is clear from the words of Allah that holiness is the best reward.
Tafseer Qurtubi, 7/184, explanation of verse 7 of Surah A’raf.
6. Taqwa is the best path for a servant
Taqwa is the best path of human life, which makes people universally appreciated and honored by Allah. So he instructed people to collect this Patheya. Allah Ta’ala says, “And make arrangements for the path, self-restraint is the best path.” O people of sense! Fear Me’ (Baqarah 2/197).
Muttaqi meaning in Islam
Those who follow taqwa, i.e. fear Allah, are Muttaqi.