Pistachio theory pdf: Every person around you is a psychological, genetic, and cultural “mixture” that is not repeated between two individuals. You, I, and anyone you know are (the sum) of elements, circumstances, and influences that are not similar even between twins. With age and the diversity of experiences, we turn into a bag with secret numbers) that even we do not know how to open and see its contents.
However, the problem does not lie in the diversity of human personalities. Rather, in the failure of every person to discover his unique points, the reasons for his difference from others. In every person’s belief, he is exceptional in his time and the only reference in what people differ on and what is hidden from them. In his conviction that what he has reached after what he thinks is conscious and deep thinking) is correct and sound and that no one has preceded him.
Whatever our opinions and the results of our thinking are, in the end, they are (the result) of deep and unconscious influences that most of us have forgotten. The result of motives and backgrounds that direct us to adopt opinions and ideas that we believe everyone should adhere to. It rarely occurs to us that our decisions and our view of the world may be distorted by heritage, prevailing and stereotyped ideas, and our own experiences (and not the opposite).
Pistachio theory pdf: For this reason, I believe that the first requirement for coming up with an honest opinion and a sound decision is to acknowledge our prior exposure to all influences.