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Sahih Bukhari pdf

Sahih Bukhari Pdf Book Details

Sahih Bukhari Pdf
WriterMuhammad bin Ismail Bukhari
Publisherدار ابن كثير – لبنان _ بيروت
Publish Date01 Jan 2018
File Size148 MB
File TypePDF

Sahih Bukhari Pdf Book Description

Sahih Bukhari pdf: The original name of the hadith book known as Bukhari Sharif is – ‘Al-Jameul Musnadus Sahih Al-Mukhtasar Min Sunan Rasulillahe Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam Wa Ayyamihi.’ Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari compiled this book of hadith in the middle of the third century Hijri. Muslim scholars say that Bukhari Sharif is the most important book after the Holy Quran. Ibn Taymiyyah, a scholar of the 7th century Hijri, said that there was no greater Muhaddith born under the sky and above the earth than Imam Bukhari. Born in the Bukhara region of Kazakhstan, this imam is truly unparalleled.

Realizing the importance of preserving Sahih Hadiths, he traveled many difficult roads and accepted inhuman hardships to collect about 6 (six) lakhs of Hadiths with Sanad. For 16 years, he sat next to the Holy Prophet (SAW)’s Rawzai Aqdas before writing down each hadith through Moraqaba. ) would get his consent. In this way, he selected about seven thousand hadiths and finalized this ‘Jame Sahih’ collection. He accomplished this extraordinary task because of his amazing memory, immense erudition, and profound sincerity.

Sahih Bukhari Sharif pdf is the purest hadith collection. The Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) words, actions, tacit support, and approval are the Hadith or Sunnah. The Sunnah is the second source for interpreting the Holy Qur’an and various injunctions and guidelines of the Shari’ah. Both the Holy Quran and the Hadith are revealed. Qur’an is the word of Allah and Hadith is the words and expressions of the Prophet. During the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and immediately after his death, Muslim conquerors spread to different countries with the call of Islam.

Sahih Bukhari صحيح البخاري – Tauhid Library (compressed)

Sahih Bukhari Pdf Writer Description

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