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What is the meaning rules and dua of Aqiqah in Islam?

What is the meaning rules and dua of Aqiqah in Islam?

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is “What is the meaning, rules, and dua of Aqiqah in Islam”. Rasulullah (sm) said Akika is involved with the child. So shed blood on his behalf and relieve him of the affliction (ie sacrifice an Akika animal for him and remove the hair from his head).

Bukhari, Mishkat H / 4149 ‘Aqiqa’ paragraph.

Aqiqah meaning

The hair slaughtered on the head of a newborn baby or the hair of a newborn on the seventh day is called Aqiqah.

Al-Mujamul Wasitab.

History of Aqiqah

(1) Buraida (R) said, in the age of ignorance, if any of our children were born, a goat would be sacrificed on his behalf and his blood would be sprinkled on the child’s head. Then after the advent of Islam, we sacrifice a goat on the seventh day of the child’s birth shave the child’s head, and put saffron on it (Abu Dawood). According to Razin’s narration, on that day we name the baby.

Mishkat H / 4156 ‘Sacrifice and hunting’ chapter, ‘Akbiqa’ paragraph.

(2) It has been narrated in the hadith by Hazrat Ali (R) that on the day of Hasan’s Akika, Rasulullah (sm) said to his daughter Fatima, “Give the silver to the weight of Hasan’s hair.” Then we weigh it and it is one dirham (silver coin) or less.

Tirmizi, Mishkat H / 4154; Ahmad, Irwa H / 1175.

Dua for Children protection and health in Arabic and English

It is to be noted that the hadith narrated by Bayhaqi and Tabarani about giving gold or silver on the weight of the hair and giving circumcision on the seventh day is Zayef.

Albani, Irwaul Galil 4/373, 365 p.

Is Aqiqah fard?

Circumcise Akika. Almost all Sahabi, Tabei, and Faqih scholars agree on this. Hasan Basri and Dawood Jaheri called it obligatory. However, the Ahl al-Ray (Hanafi) people did not call it Sunnat. Because it was a custom in the age of ignorance, someone said it was a matter of will to them.

Ibn Kudama, Al-Mughni 3/56; Nile 6/280 p.

Undoubtedly it was introduced in the pre-Islamic era. But its purpose and type were different. After the advent of Islam, Akika’s customs were maintained. But there is a difference in its purpose and type. Ashura fasting was introduced in the pre-Islamic era. It continued even in the Islamic era. Therefore, since Akika was in the pre-Islamic era, it cannot be said that it cannot be done in the Islamic era.

The importance and virtues of Aqiqah

(1) Rasulullah (sm) said Akika is involved with the child. So shed blood on his behalf and relieve him of the affliction (ie sacrifice an Akika animal for him and remove the hair from his head).

Bukhari, Mishkat H / 4149 ‘Akbiqba’ paragraph.

(2) The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Every child has a mortgage on his Aqiqah. Therefore, on the seventh day of birth, the animal has to be slaughtered, named, and shaved.

Abu Dawood, Nasai, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad; Irwa H / 1175.

Imam al-Khattabi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Explaining the saying, “Aqeeqah is a child mortgage.” Imam Ahmad bin Humble (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Someone has said that the word ‘mortgage’ is used here to mean that Akika is a must-do and essential thing, which the mortgagee is bound to the mortgagor until the payment is made.

Shawqani, Naylul Aotbar 6/260 p. ‘Akika’ chapter.

Mr. Mirkat Mollah Ali Qari said that this could mean that Akika is like a mortgage. As long as it is not released, it cannot be taken advantage of. Children are a special blessing of God for parents. Therefore, they have to give thanks for it.

Mishkat in Mirqat Sharh (Delhi printed, without date)

(3) If a child dies before seven days, Akika’s duty to him ends.

Naylul Aotbar 6/271 p.

Aqiqah animal

(1) Rasulullah (sm) said, that whether it is a goat or a goat, one has to give two Aqiqah on behalf of the boy and one Aqiqah on behalf of the girl.

Nasai, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Mishkat H / 4152, 4156; Irwa H / 116.

It is better to give two for a son. But you have to give one.

Abu Dawood, Mishkat H / 4155; Naylul Aotbar 6 / 262,284 p.

Both the goats have to be ‘Musinnah’ like the sacrificial animal, i.e. they have to have new teeth by breaking their teeth in milk and have equal health. Not that one will be Musinnah, the other is not Musinnah.

Naylul Aotbar 6/282 p .; Note the explanation of Aonul Mabud H / 2617.

There is nothing wrong with one being a Khasi and the other a goat.

(2) The hadith that has been narrated in Tabarani about making Aqiqah with camel, cow, or goat is ‘Mauju’ meaning fake.

Albani, Irwaul Galil H / 116.

Moreover, there is no action from Rasulullah (sm) and Sahabaye Keram in this regard.

Aqiqah time limit

(1) The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, that every child has a mortgage with his Aqiqah. Therefore, on the seventh day of birth, the animal has to be slaughtered, named, and shaved.

(2) The hadith narrated by Buraida and Ayesha (ra) in Bayhaqi, Tabarani, and Hakem about giving Aqeeqah on the 14th and 21st days after seven days is said by Shaykh Albani as Zaif.

Irwaul Galil H / 1160.

(3) According to the Shafi’i scholars, the matter of Akika in seven days is not a matter of limitation but of jurisdiction. Imam Shafi’i said that Aqeeqah in seven days means that no one will intentionally do Aqiqah after seven days. If there is a delay for any reason, even if the child becomes an adult, then the responsibility of his guardian Akika is over for him. In this case, he will be able to do his own Aqiqah.

Naylul Aotbar 6/271 p.

It is to be noted that the hadith narrated by Anas (RA) in Bayhaqi is Munkar or Zayef because Rasulullah (sm) did his own Aqiqah after attaining prophethood.

Naylul Aotbar 6/264 p.

Rather, it is proved that on the seventh day of his birth, his grandfather Abdul Muttalib gave him Akika and named him ‘Muhammad’.

Bayhaqi, Dalailun Nabuwat (Beirut 1985) 1/113 p .; Sulaiman Mansurpuri, Rahmatul Lil Alamin (Delhi, 1970) 1/41 p.

Dua of Aqeeqah in English

Ala-humma minka wa laka, akbikbata fulan. Bismillah-hi Wallahu Akbar. At this time the child’s name can be said in place of ‘Fulan’.

Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Abu Yala, Bayhaqi 9/304 p .; Nile 6/272 p.

It is better to say ‘Bismillah-hi Wallahu Akbar’ with the intention of Akika in the mind of the newborn.

The meat of Aqiqah distribution rules

(A) The meat of Akika, like the meat of Qurbani, will be divided into three parts, one part will be given to the beggar and poor, one part will be eaten by parents and family and one part will be distributed among relatives and neighbors as a gift.

Bayhaqi 9/302 p.

Selling the skin will make it look like the skin of a sacrificial animal.

Ibn Rushd Qurtubi, Bidayatul Mujtahid (Rabat, Morocco: 1419 AH) 1/48 p.

Other masala of Aqiqah

(A) Akika is an act of worship. No lavish ceremony can be held for this. There is no evidence of receiving gifts from relatives and friends on this occasion.

(B) Akika and Qurbani are two separate acts of worship. There is no evidence that Qurbani and Akika were performed together in the same animal.

(C) Akika and Qurbani will do both if possible on the same day; Otherwise, only Akika will; Because Akika happens once in a lifetime and has to be done on the seventh day, But sacrifices can be made every year.

(D) With the consent of the father or in his absence grandfather, uncle, grandfather, or uncle any guardian can give Akika. Hasan and Husain were given Akika by their grandfather Rasulullah (sm).

Abu Dawood, Nasai, Mishkat H / 4155.

(E) After the child is born, it is better to take the hadith scholar to a religious scholar and get the child ‘Tahnik’ from him and make dua for the child. Rasulullah (sm) used to do it.

Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat H / 4151 ‘Akika’ paragraph.

Tahnik means chewing something sweet like dates or sweets and giving it to the child. Abdullah ibn Zubayr, the son of the first emigrant born in Medina after the Hijrah, was taunted by Rasulullah (sm) by chewing dates in his mouth. Thus he was the first fortunate child in whose womb the saliva of the holy face of the first Prophet entered. In later life, he gained fame as a man of high rank. The Ansar used to bring their newborn children to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). When Abu Talha (R) took his newborn son in his arms, he called for dates. Then he chewed it on the child’s cheek and named it ‘Abdullah’.

Ibn Kudama, Al-Mughni 3/590 p.

After doing tahanik, pray for the welfare of the child – ‘Ba-Rakallahu Alayek’. May Allah shower grace on you.

Mirkat (Delhi Print: Dateless) 8/155 p.


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