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Ishraq & Duha prayer (Awwabin Namaz) meaning rules & benefits

Ishraq & Duha prayer (Awwabin Namaz) meaning rules & benefits

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Today’s topic of discussion is Ishraq, Duha & Chasht prayer (Awwabin Namaz) meaning rules & benefits.

Ishraq Duha and Chasht meaning

Shuruq means sunrise. Ishraq means startled. Duha means the heat of the sun. Chasht means the first hour of the day. If this prayer is offered at the beginning of the first hour immediately after sunrise, it is called Salatul Ishraq, and if it is offered later before the second hour, i.e. at the end of the first hour, it is called Salatut Duha or Salatul Chasht. It is a mustahabb to read this prayer at home. It is not always right to read and consider it mandatory. Because the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to read sometimes, sometimes he left it.

Mir’at Sharahe Mishkat ‘Salatut Doha’ paragraph-38; 4/344-58.

Benefits of Ishraq prayer

On the authority of Anas (RA), the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Whoever prays Fajr in the congregation, then sits in the remembrance of Allah until the sun rises, and then prays two rak’ahs, then one full Hajj and Umrah is good for him.”

Tirmidhi Ha/586, Mishkat Ha/971 Zikir after Salat’ paragraph-18.

Imam Nawabi said Ibn Umar (RA) called Salatut Duha Bid’ah, which means Bid’ah is recited regularly in the mosque.

Mir’at 4/346.

Dua e Istikhara in Arabic & English. How to pray Istikhara prayer?

Buraida Aslami (RA) said Rasulullah (SAW) said, there are 360 ​​joints in the human body. Therefore man must make one Chadaqa for each couple. The Companions said, Who has the power to do this, O Prophet of God (S)? He said, two rak’ahs of Chasht are sufficient for this.

Abu Dawud, Muslim, Mishkat Ha/1315, 1311 Salatut Doha’ paragraph-38.

Ishraq or Duha prayer rules

This Salat is to be read like the normal Nafal Salat. There is no separate rule for it or any specific surah for it. In the hadith, the number of Rakats of this prayer is found up to 2, 4, 8, and 12. I am performing Ishrak or Chasht prayer only for the sake of Allah. With this determination in my heart, I should start the prayer by saying Allahu Akbar and perform it like a normal Nafl prayer. Salam must be returned every two Rakats. Before noon on the day of the conquest of Makkah, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) prayed 8 Rakats very briefly at the house of Umm Hani, the sister of Hazrat Ali (RA).

Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/1309 ‘Salatut Doha’ paragraph-38.

Salatul Awwabin

Awabin means those who return to Allah and Salatul Awabin means Salat of those who return to Allah. Salat Duha or Chasht prayer is Salatul Awabeen.

Muslim, Mishkat ha/1312; Meerat 4/351.

The hadiths calling six, twenty, or any number of Nafal prayers after Maghrib as Salat al-Awabeen are Zaif.

Tirmidhi, Mishkat 1173-74, Silsila Zaifah Ha/469, 467, 4617.


Question: When is the time of chasht prayer?

Answer: Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz. He said the time for the Chasht prayer is from when the sun rises to one arc until it sets in the western sky. It is better to read this prayer immediately after warming up. And this is called Awabeen Salat. (Majmool Fatawa: 396/11).

Question: How many Rakats of Ishraq prayer?

Answer: Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz. Said, the minimum number of rakat is two rakat. And if one performs four, six, or eight Rakats or more according to his ability, there is no problem. No specific number of Rakats of this prayer is determined. (Majmool Fatawa: 399/11)

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saleh Ibn Uthaymeen. Said, Salatul Ishraq is a minimum of two rakat. There is no more limit. People will earn according to their ability. (Majmool Fatawa: 305/14).

Minimum two rakat. There is no more limit. But it is better not to exceed eight rakat. It is necessary to return salam every two rak’ahs. One salam should not be recited together. (Al-Lajnah ad-Daymah: 145/6)

Question: Ishraq prayer should be read with which surah?

Answer: There is no specific surah for this, any surah can be recited.

Question: Ishraq prayer sunnah or nafl?

Answer: Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz. Said, Salatud Duha or Salatul Ishraq is an important Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed it himself and ordered his Companions to observe it. (Majmool Fatwa: 396/11)

Question: What are the virtues of prayer?

Answer: Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Every bone and joint of your body reaches the morning demanding charity. Every Tasbeeh (saying Subhanallah) is a charity, every Tahmid (saying Alhamdulillah) is a charity, every Tahleel (saying la Ilaha Illallahu) is a charity, and enjoining good deeds and forbidding evil deeds is a charity. And performing two rakat Salatut Duha or Chasht prayers will be equal to all the above actions. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 720).

Question: When does Chasht prayer start and when does it end?

Answer: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saleh Ibn Uthaymeen. He said, that from the time the sun rises one bow, that is, from fifteen or thirty minutes after sunrise to five to ten minutes before sunset. (Majmool Fatawa: 306/14)

Question: Is it Sunnah to pray daily?

Answer: Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz. He said, Salatud Duha is a daily Sunnah. (Majmool Fatawa: 30-59). Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saleh Ibn Uthaymeen. Said, the clearest thing is that Salatud Duha is always Sunnah. (Ash-Sharhul Mumti’: 4-83).

Question: What is the difference between Salatul Ishraq and Salatud Duha?

Answer: Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz. Said, Salat of Ishraq and Salatud are the same Salat. Saying Salatud Duha for the first time is called Ishrak. (Majmool Fatawa: 401/11)

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saleh Ibn Uthaymeen. He said the Ishraq prayer is Salatud Duha, but if you pray it in the morning after the sun has risen and rises a bow’s height, then it will be the Ishraq prayer. And if it is performed at the last time or in the middle, then it will be Salatut Doha. (Likayul Bab al-Mafatih).

Question: Which is the best time for Salatud Duha?

Answer: The best time for Salatud Duha is when the camel (or cow) calf begins to warm up in the sun’s heat. And that is, from the time the sun’s light is fully diffused and bright until the sun is overhead. (Al-Lajna Ad-Daymah on Fatwa: 148/6)

Question: What is the ruling on Nafal Salat such as Salatud Duha in the congregation?

Answer: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saleh Ibn Uthaymeen. He said, “There is no problem in offering some Nafal Salat in Jama’at when more than one person gathers together, but it is not a Sunnah night that whenever a Sunnah Salat is offered, it should be offered in Jama’at.” (Majmool Fatawa: 335/14)

Question: Will the Eid or Rain Salat replace Salatud Duha?

Answer: Eid or rain salat does not replace Salatud dua, it is a separate salat. (Al-Lajna Ad-Daymah: 256/7)

Question: Reciting Salatud Duha is Sunnah for the whole life or does it become Fard by reciting it once?

Answer: Reciting Salatud Duha once or more does not make it compulsory or Farz for all times. Rather, it remains the Sunnah as before. (Al-Lajna ad-Daymah: 257/7)

Question: In a hadith narrated from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, he said:

A person who prays Fajr in the congregation, then sits in the same place and remembers Allah until the sun rises, and then prays two rak’ahs, will have the reward of one Hajj and one full Umrah. (Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 586) Are these two rakat Salatud Duha?

Answer: The two rakat salat mentioned in the hadith is Salatud Duha, but these two rakat salats have different importance. This is because these two rak’ahs involve sitting in one’s place of prayer from the time of Fajr prayer until the sun rises. (Al Lajna ad-Daymah: 148/6)

Question: Is there Salatud Duha for the traveler?

Answer: Salatud Duha is Sunnah for all travelers and Mukim. (Al-Lajna ad-Daymah: 151/6).

Question: Is there any prayer called Salatul Awabeen?

Answer: There is no separate prayer called Salatul Awabeen, but the Salatud Duha that is recited from the time the sun’s rays are strong until the sun sets is called Salatul Awabeen in the hadith. (Al-Lajna ad-Daymah: 154/6)

Question: If you do not keep the fast of Biya during the trip, then should you keep it on other days of the month instead? If you can’t perform the similar Salatud Duha, do you have to perform it at another time?

Answer: Fasting of seed and Salatud Doha during the day are all nafl acts of worship. Such worship is not obligatory while traveling or staying at home. So whoever performs these prayers, will be rewarded. And whoever does not observe it, whether he is a resident or a traveler, there is no sin. (Al-Lajna ad Daymah: 156/6)

Question: Shall the Qirat be recited loudly or softly in Salatud Duha?

Answer: Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz. He said that it is Sunnah to recite the Qiraat slowly in daily prayers such as Salatud Duha and other prayers. (Majmool Fatawa: 127/11)

Question: When the Salatud Duha runs out, should it be performed?

Answer: If Salatud Duha is rushed, it has no Qaza. Because it should be read when it is supposed to be read. There is no provision for reading later. (Majmool Fatawa: 305/14).

Ishraq Prayer: Sunnah or Obligatory? – Islam Question & Answer

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